Where To Start When Trying To Find Yourself
Blog# 16 Where To Start When Trying To Find Yourself We humans are a funny lot, to say the least. We know so much in so many areas of...
Human Nature Mimics Mother Nature
Blog #15 Human Nature Mimics Mother Nature We can clearly recognize how Mother Nature works with our physical elements. There is an...
Difficult Life Events Can Strengthen Marriages
Blog #14 Difficult Life Events Can Strengthen Marriages Marriage is rarely an easy union for anyone. Under the best of circumstances it...
How To Find Balance In Your Life
Blog #13 How To Find Balance In Your Life Much has been written and discussed about how balance in life will help us be happier and...
The Real Prize Of Relationships
Blog #12 The Real Prize of Relationships Through some of my research for my writing, I have noticed that younger people are not getting...
Presidential Elections, Temperaments And Leadership
Blog #11 Presidential Elections, Temperaments and Leadership This is a fascinating subject that is helps to illustrate how temperaments...
Who's Right...Men Or Women?
Blog # 10 Who's Right... Men or Women? There is a very funny joke I heard recently that is not only hilarious but also instructive to how...
The Absurdity Of Our Political System
Blog # 9 The Absurdity of Our Political System The Competing Values Framework model shows us that in order to be effective and...
Life, Death And Duality
Blog#8 Life, Death and Duality What could be a more profound example of duality than life and death? What could illustrate more...
Are You A Giver Or A Taker
Blog #7 Are you a giver or a taker? Socrates once proclaimed that the unexamined life is not worth living. That is a rather harsh and...